Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So Caiden had a bad case of warts one year. They were on every toe of one of his feet and there were about three per two. It took a long time to get rid of all them and it was not one of his favorite experiences. He is now very wary of folks with warts...enter his friend Hunter. Poor Hunter has a wart and showed Caiden and Caiden was a bit freaked out and we had to have a talk with him about not making friends feel like they were unclean just because of warts. I haven't given the situation another thought until Hunters mom called to tell me the latest wart story. Hunter was over one night and Caiden offered his services. He had gotten into the first aid box and found the packages of wart pads. He handed Hunter a card with the pads on it and said,"Here's my card, call me later." I got a good laugh out of that and Hunter's mom did too! Boys will do the funniest things!

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